

Director Guillermo del Toro and screenwriter Matthew Robbins wrote a screenplay based on Lovecraft's story, but in 2006 had trouble getting Warner Bros. to finance the project. Del Toro wrote, "The studio is very nervous about the cost and it not having a love story or a happy ending, but it's impossible to do either in the Lovecraft universe."[25] In July 2010 it was announced that the film would be made in 3D and that James Cameron would become producer,[26] and Tom Cruise was attached to star.[27] This "was a startling prospect considering Lovecraft's tale had long been considered unfilmable."[27] Del Toro confirmed that the film would begin production as early as May 2011 and start filming in June.[28] However, in March 2011, it was announced that "Universal refused to greenlight the project due to del Toro's insistence that it be released with an R rating rather than a PG-13."[27] According to Salon.com, "Universal wants to hold onto the project in the event that it changes its mind and decides to make it later, either as an R or PG-13 movie. But del Toro is already trying to set up Mountains at another studio (possibly 20th Century Fox).[27] However, on April 30, 2012, del Toro posted that, due to the resemblance in premise with director Ridley Scott's film, Prometheus, the project would probably face a "long pause -if not demise".[29] The film's current status is unknown.[30]

うちの父親が去年だったか、「ラブクラフトの"At the Mountains of Madness"の予告がネットにあがってる!!」と興奮していて(のちにそれはファンのMADだと判明)たんだけど、実際映画化の話はあった上にプロメテウス見て頓挫になっちゃったのね…
プロメテウス見た人が"At the Mountains of Madness"に言及してて、「ほほう」と思って検索したの。ううっますますたのしみ、IMAXで見ーたーいーーー!!!